Forensics: Financial Internet Crimes - 2 days (English only) |
Investigative Sleuthing about the Evil Side to People (not Money) |
Duração do treinamento: 2 dia(s) |
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Início: - Término:
Início: - Término:
Protect yourself from financial crimes and e-crimes conducted by criminals with the use of the Internet.
Based on years of research and client work with financial internal controls, Sankha FinancialCenter is now able to offer a comprehensive course that provides concrete information on how many criminal schemes work in the financial world. This course will open your eyes to the evil financial schemes people can dream up. It will hone your skills in any role which requires you to protect your personal and corporate assets and design an internal control system that protects your company and its control environment 100% of the time.
In-depth knowledge, knowing about them, is part of your protection. In this course you will gain the knowledge and skills to help protect yourself and your family as well as your work environment.
Copyright © Todos os direitos deste curso pertencem à Susan Sabir e Sankha FinancialCenter®.
Conteúdo do curso: |
Do you know which of the following countries is headquarters for a majority of the financial internet criminal network organizations and their operations: The USA, Canada, Brazil, Russia, India, China, Hong Kong, Africa, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Japan or other country? In this course you will learn the answer.
Part A:
Through several real-life illustrations, you will learn:
How a phishing bank scheme operates plagiarizing well know bank websites, the complete cycle;
How a criminal network operates using the Internet as the primary means for conducting their crimes and some of their methods;
and, how to profile the primary motivations of the criminal mind-set.
Learn about reporting guidelines and recommended procedures if you discover a criminal phishing website of your own company or bank´s operations.
Part B:
Illustrations, Review and Analysis of many corporate criminal fraud cases and fraud risks;
Learn the most common corporate fraud schemes experienced by every-day companies;
Hone your profiling skills based on the Fraud Triangle;
Learn the role of the SEC-Securities and Exchange Commission to police corporations.
Apply the knowledge gained in this course to your work in Financial and Accounting Internal Controls. Or, simply, to make your company Integrity-tight and protect yourself.
Copyright © Todos os direitos deste curso pertencem à Susan Sabir e Sankha FinancialCenter®.
Susan Sabir
Susan Sabir é diretora e fundadora da Sankha FinancialCenter, formada com M.B.A. pela Loyola University Chicago, U.S.A., com concentração em contabilidade; pós-graduada em Finanças pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, em São Paulo; e formada com BGS na University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Bacharel em Ciências Sociais, diploma revalidado pela USP - Universidade de São Paulo). Autora de "Installing a Cashiering System to Strengthen Cash Management", Public Investor; autora de metodologia própria e vários estudos de mercado sobre os assuntos de cultura e clima organizacional e possui os direitos à propriedade intelectual da metodologia própria de Avaliação de Clima Organizacional, sob processo de patente junto ao INPI. 3 obras registradas na Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil de sua autoria. Autora e professora de vários cursos da Sankha FinancialCenter nas áreas de estratégia, área financeira-contábil e, assuntos organizacionais. Susan é autora de metodologias próprias para fazer Avaliações Corporativas, Planejamento Estratégico e, vínculo do Planejamento Estratégico para com o Planejamento Orçamentário. Tradutora de Inglês ao Português da matriz de risco do modelo COSO para avaliar os Controles Internos sob o Preparo das Demonstrações Financeiras. Tradutora de Inglês ao Português das Normas de Auditoria da PCAOB-Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. Associada à AICPA.-American Institute of Certified Public Accountants - USA. e, afiliada com The Appraisal Institute – USA. Susan possui as licenças de Registered Real Estate Appraiser Assistant no Estado de Ohio-USA e, como profissional licenciada Tax Professional License com a agência federal IRS-USA. Faz consultoria, projetos financeiros e organizacionais, pesquisas, análises, desenvolvimento de sistemas e, ministra cursos e palestras em Inglês e em Português. Sankha FinancialCenter mantem sede própria e instalações de treinamento no Centro de São Paulo, SP – Brasil e também mantem escritório empresarial no Estado de Ohio-USA.
Susan Sabir is founder and Director of Sankha FinancialCenter. She has graduated with an M.B.A. From Loyola University Chicago, U.S.A. with a concentration in Accounting; holds a post-graduate degree in Finance from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - University in São Paulo; and, holds a B.G.S. Degree from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor which was re-validated as a degree in Social Sciences by USP-University of São Paulo. Author of "Installing a Cashiering System to Strengthen Cash Management", Public Investor; author of various topics on Organizational Culture and Climate, Inventor of the methodology for measuring Organizational Climate with copyrights registered with the INPI-National Institute of Intellectual Property (Brazil). Author of three National Studies in Organizational Climate for the country of Brazil, registered with the National Library of Brazil which document her methodology for measuring organizational climate. Author of various courses for Sankha FinancialCenter in the areas of Strategy, Finance, Accounting and Organizational Sciences including Organizational Climate. Susan is author of methodologies for Corporate Valuation and, for Strategic Planning as well as Linking Strategy with Budget Planning. She has translated the COSO model checklist for Evaluating Internal Controls over Financial Reporting from English to Portuguese. She has translated to Portuguese the Auditing Standards of the PCAOB-Public Company Accounting Standards Board. Associate Member with the AICPA.-American Institute of Certified Public Accountants - USA and, affiliated with The Appraisal Foundation - USA. Susan is a Registered Real Estate Appraiser Assistant in the State of Ohio-USA and, holds a Tax Professional License with the IRS-USA. Does consulting work, financial and organizational projects, surveys, analyses, systems development, and teaches in both English and Portuguese. Sankha FinancialCenter maintains headquarters and training facility in downtown São Paulo, SP - Brazil and has an office in Ohio - USA.
Susan Sabir |
Sankha® Centro de Treinamento
Sankha FinancialCenter®
Largo do Paissandu, 72
Edifício José Paulino Nogueira
23o. andar
CEP 01034-010, São Paulo, S.P.
Contato: Susan Sabir
Skype: sankha.financialcenter
- Início: 8:00h
- Coffee Break: 10:00h - 10:30h
- Almoço: 12:30h - 14:00h
- Coffee Break: 16:00h - 16:30h
- Término: 18:00h |
R$1490,00 |
Curso presencial
Material didático
Link E-Kit (validade 1 mês)
Refeições (diariamente
2 coffee-breaks; almoço num
Restaurante no centro financeiro
perto dos prédios BMF/BOVESPA)
Brinde da Sankha®
Certificado de Conclusão
Impostos federais e ISS-SP inclusos. |
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