How to arrive at Sankha FinancialCenter® - Sankha® Management Training Center
Map of the Region
Sankha FinancialCenter, 23rd. floor, and regional map (also on Google Maps):
Coming from Metrô São Bento, (getting off the metrorail-train, look for the exit for the main post office, the Correio Central)
Coming from Metrô República (leaving the Metro, walk about two blocks to Avenida São João, enter to the right and continue walking one block to Largo do Paissandu.)
Coming from the Metrô Anhangabaú, (getting off the metrorail-train, look for the Municipal Theatre exit)
Coming by the Municipal Theatre route, Praça Ramos de Azevedo (on foot approximately 4 to 5 blocks distance or, by car)
Coming from Avenida Rio Branco (or Avenida Ipiranga entering to the left on to Avenida Rio Branco)
The closest covered parking coming around the circle and church at the Largo do Paissandu or, after exiting Avenida Rio Branco
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Logos Sankha FinancialCenter® - Sankha® Management Training Center