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Organizational Climate and Employee Commitment Surveys
Climate surveys are an organizational evaluation of your work environment from the perspective, opinions and feelings of your employees. The survey serves to identify and pinpoint problem areas within the organization in order to ultimately increase employee retention, implying in reduced labor expenses and as a result, higher levels of profitability.

Not only is there an intense focus to understand the correlation between organizational climate and revenue generation but, also, in measuring organizational climate as a component of intangible assets on the balance sheet. Susan Sabir, Author, has developed this methodology and systems, placed under patent protection; the services are offered through her company Sankha FinancialCenter®.The value of intangible assets is absent in financial performance ratios such as ROA-Return on Assets. Supplementary financial reporting using Intellectual Capital Statements (a snapshot of a company´s knowledge and intellectual resources) can include a quantifiable assessment of a company´s organizational climate and HR management model, thus creating added value in organizations. Through planning and consistent, periodic survey application, we can link organizational climate measures to financial results over time furthering our understanding of the impact and correlation of organizational climate on productivity, retention and financial results. Look at your human capital as if it were a strategic asset. Believe.

We offer a proven survey methodology, using the internet, for measuring and assessing your company´s organizational climate and level of employee commitment including segmented analyses. Click here if you are interested in doing an organizational climate survey in your company. Click here to navegate an online presentation (in Portuguese; contact Susan Sabir, author, for an English presentation). Login: cliente, Password (Senha): precioso

ISO - International Standards Organization Norms and Requirements vis-à-vis Organizational Climate Surveys or Employee Commitment Surveys

The organizational climate survey is a valuable tool for assisting with ISO certification requirements under ISO 9001:2000. Under ISO 9004 directives, the survey is a useful tool for identifying opportunities for improvement within the organization. It is not a mandatory requirement to apply the organizational climate survey in order to obtain ISO certification however, it is highly recommended that the effort be documented with an organizational climate survey results report. Measuring employee satisfaction is mandatory under ISO 9004 specifications; the organizational climate survey is one of the tools used to measure employee satisfaction in the organization.



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