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Sankha FinancialCenter® Certified Management and Finance Professional™ (tm)
Requirements for Certification:
   1) Completed minimum of 10 Sankha FinancialCenter® courses (online or presencial format) and have received certificate of conclusion for each individual course.
   2) Of the 10 courses, the client is obliged to select a minimum of two courses from the Strategy section of course offerings and a minimum of two courses from the Finance and Accounting section of course offerings. The remaining six courses are selected according to the client´s professional needs. We reserve the right to determine the order of the courses within the client´s certificate program.
   3) Completed the additional test for each course (online or presencial format) with a passing grade of 90% or better.
   4) Upon completion of 10 courses and 10 corresponding exams, client receives a Sankha FinancialCenter® Certification member card documenting status as a Certified Management and Finance Professional under Sankha FinancialCenter® standards and becomes a member of the professional certification program.
   5) The member client will be required to take a minimum of one course per year to maintain the certificate and update professional knowledge and qualifications in the field.
   6) After acquiring certification, the client will receive additional benefits as a program member such as discounts on company offerings, potential ability to teach Sankha FinancialCenter® courses on a adjunct paid professor basis and receive consideration for other future opportunities. In the marketplace the member client will have an extra competitive advantage relative to other peers with the Sankha FinancialCenter® Certified Management and Finance Professional designation.
   1) No time frame limit for completing 10 courses.
   2) Once an exam is requested by the client, a period of 4 weeks will be given to complete the exam. Additionally the client has up to three chances to pass the exam within the first application. Client receives assistance and clarification on answers as part of the exam review process.
   3) All Certificates of Conclusion issued to clients for courses taken up to December 31, 2012 will be valid towards the Sankha FinancialCenter® Certified Management and Finance Professional designation. (Sankha FinancialCenter® maintains record of all certificates of conclusion issued since inception.)
   4) The courses can be taken in either language, portuguese or english and in certain situations bilingual. The exam will be in the same language as that for which the course was purchased.
Client Investment:
   1) Courses – taken one by one as needed: the required investment is as listed on the website per client-registrant. The published price does not include the cost of the exam.
   2) Exam Per Course: the cost is R$300 per exam at the time the request is made; exam will be issued upon receipt of payment. Payment does not guarantee a passing grade. Included in the administrative fee is up to three amswered exam submissions. If the client does not pass the test after 3 attempts and additional administrative fee will have to be paid for the next attempt.
   3) PROMOTIONAL OFFER – ONE TIME PAYMENT: The client may pay a one time amount for 10 courses in the amount of 90% of the total cumulative value of the 10 courses selected at the date of purchase (i.e. today´s prices); in other words, the discount is 10% of the total cumulative amount of the 10 selected courses at today´s prices. There is no specific order for taking the courses; courses are taken according to the convenience of the client´s schedule pre-arranged with Sankha FinancialCenter®. This promotional offer also includes the cost of the first exam application for each course (no additional administrative fee will be required for the exams under this promotional offer). The client will have up to two years to take the 10 courses. The client will benefit in that he or she will not have to worry about potential price increases in the cost of the course during the two year period. No reimbursements under any circumstances. If for any reason the client cannot complete the 10 courses within 2 years, Sankha FinancialCenter® is not responsible and the client will have to pay the differential in the per course amount at the published rate at that time for the courses that still remain to be completed.
   If a company wishes to certify its employees providing an extra merit program as an in-company benefit, we are presently offering the following promotion: Buy 10 certification programs (for 10 employees) at full price using today´s rates, get 2 certification programs for free (two additional employees are free). The company will select the courses it deems appropriate for its employees adhering to the minimum 2 in Strategy topics and minimum 2 in Finance and Accounting topics. The employees will take the course in the online format OR in person at Sankha FinancialCenter® - Sankha Management Training Center installations OR on an in-company basis previously agreed to by both parties. The company will follow all other pre-requisites such as completing the courses within two years per employee. If the time frame of 2 years is not met, an additional fee will be charged to reflect current market rates at the time of consideration. (After acquiring Corporate Certification, employee can benefit from program advantages under corporate program through its employer.) Many benefits are derived from this corporate program, such as:
         BENEFIT 1) Employees with the best professional qualifications;
         BENEFIT 2) more knowledgable talent;
         BENEFIT 3) systemic method to maintain employees continually updated professionally;
         BENEFIT 4) use as a criteria for promotions;
         BENEFIT 5) motivate and reduce turnover over the long term.
         BENEFIT 6) Additionally, upon Certification of the first employee under the corporate program, the company obtains program benefits such as discounts on future purchases.
         BENEFIT 7) The certified employee can become an in-company professor who may continue the training in-company for its employer (note: must do the annual maintenance course with Sankha FinancialCenter® to maintain the member status).
Web page updated: January 2013
   Course Listing in Alphabetical Order
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